Nike X Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail Fake Vs Real Guide
Are you trying to learn how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail? Don’t want to get scammed with a fake piece?
If so, then you are in the right place to learn how to spot fake Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail sneakers.
By reading our fake vs real Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail legit check guide, you are going to easily learn how to differentiate between the fake and the real deal pairs.
If you are trying to learn how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail, we’ve got you covered with that guide as well — make sure to click here.
To put it shortly, the fastest way to spot fake Off-White Jordan 5 Sail is to look at the size tag and the medial text on each shoe, as the fake OW AJ5 pairs never have their inscriptions at the correct thickness, and the authentic pairs always have superior quality from the replica ones.
How to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail
Step 1: Fake vs real Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail medial text
Just as we’ve previously mentioned, we are going to first talk about the medial text on both the left and the right shoes, as we consider this the most reliable way on how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail sneakers.
That is because in most cases, the fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sails have their letters at the wrong thickness, therefore leading to flaws in kerning between the characters.
The medial text on the left shoe
We are going to address each shoe individually, and we are going to start talking about the medial text on the fake vs real Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sails for the left shoe.
Before we proceed to explain the flaws on the fake Off-White Sail Air Jordan 5 pair, let’s first have a look at the reference real vs fake OW AJ5 image linked below.
First things first, the fake shoes have their “NIKE” text looking too thin, and the replica Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5s have their same inscription looking thicker.
Then, looking at the “AIR JORDAN V” text on the second line of text on the fake Sail Off-White 5s, we have pointed out in the image above how the fake pair has its line of text looking too thick, and how the authentic pair has it’s text thinner again.
The same thickness flaw can be visible on the “Oregon” and on the “c. 2019” text on the fake shoes’ two lines of text as well, whereas on the legit shoes, the two lines of text are thinner and more defined than the fake pair’s text.
The medial text on the right shoe
Now that you know how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail shoes by looking at the left shoe’s medial text, let’s have a look at the right shoe’s text as well.
Just as from the left shoe, let’s first have a look at the reference fake vs real Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail image linked below.
In the image containing the fake vs real Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 sail shoes above, we have pointed out a few main flaws.
First of all, looking at the “Off-White” text on the first line, we have pointed out how the fake OW AJ5 Sail shoes have their text looking too thick.
On the other hand, the authentic shoes have their “White” text looking thinner than the text found on the fake shoes, which is, once again, too thick.
Then, looking at the “for” inscription on the fake vs real Off-White Sail Air Jordan 5 shoes, we have spotted how the fake shoes have their text looking too thick again, and how the legit shoes have their “for” text thinner.
The same thickness flaw applies to the “JORDAN” text as well on the fake pair, though we didn’t place the hand-emoji pointers in the image above so as not to crowd the image too much and overlap the pointers with the shoes’ inscriptions.
Then, looking at the last two lines of text, we have pointed out how the fake pair has its “Beaverton” and the “c. 2019” text looking too thick.
Yet again, the legitimate Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail shoes have their last two lines of text thinner than the fake pairs’ text.
Step 2: Real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail size tag
For the second step of the guide on how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail shoes, we are going to look at the fake vs real OW Air Jordan 5 Sail pairs for the size tag.
Just as you may know already, we are first going to brief the reference real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail image linked below.
In the image with the real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail shoes above, we have pointed out how the fake Sail OW 5s have their size tag with three main inconsistencies.
Firs of all, looking at the style-code’s text, the “DH8565–100” text, we have pointed out in the real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail image above how the replica pair has its text too thin.
On the authentic Nike x off-White Air Jordan 5s, you an see how the style-code’s text is thicker and more defined than the fake pairs’ text.
In fact, the authentic pair has its text more eligible than the text found on the fake pair’s size tag.
Proceeding to the next inscription, we now have to look at the “UPC” code text, which this time as well, the inscription is too thin on the replica Sail OW AJ5 pair.
The authentic Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail pair has its “UPC” code text looking thicker and easier to be read than the fake pair’s text.
Lastly, looking in the bottom left corner of the size tag, we have the “MADE IN CHINA” lines of text which are yet again too thin on the fake shoes.
In the comparison with the real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sails above, we have pointed out how the fake pair has its lines which indicate the country’s of manufacturing of the shoes looking thicker than the ones on the fake pair.
Step 3: Verify the red lines on the midsole of your Nike x Off-White AJ5 Sail
Going to the third way on how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail shoes, we are going to look at the real vs fake Off-White Jordan 5 Sail pairs for the red lines found on the midsole.
Generally speaking, the fake Nike Air Jordan 5 shoes have their lines flawed, so we recommend that you never forget to check this step either when you have to authenticate the Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail.
First things first, let’s check the reference Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail image linked below.
As we’ve previously mentioned, the fake Nike Air Jordan 5 always tend to have their lines crooked or at the wrong thickness, and that applies to the Nike x Off-White AJ5 shoes as well.
In fact, the fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail pair highlighted in the example above presents ints lines looking too thin and too little sharp, as they are too curvy when compared to the legit shoes’ lines.
Speaking of which, the authentic Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 shoes have their lines looking more filled at the base, as they look thicker and more defined than the fake pair’s lines.
On top of that, the authentic shoes’ red lines of the midsole are sharper at the top edges, unlike the fake pairs’ lines which are too curvy.
Even at the bottom side, when the raising transition goes from a line to another, the fake shoes have their lines too curvy, and the authentic shoes have their lines once again sharper.
Step 4: Check the rear side of your Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail
Proceeding to the fourth method on how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail sneakers, we are going to look at the fake vs real OW AJ5 Sail pairs for the details on the rear side.
As you may already know, we are first going look at the reference real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail image linked below
In the image with the real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail image above, we have pointed out how the fake pair has flaws in terms of thickness, alignment and shaping.
First fall, looking at the “A I R” text found on the fake Nike Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail sneakers, you cans see how the letters are too thick, and how the ones found on the authentic pair a bit thinner.
Then, speaking of the alignment of the “A I R” text on the fake shoes’ text, it is noticeable how the letters are placed too high when compared to the real deal.
Lastly, looking at the Nike Swoosh logo on the upper side of the shoes, you can see how the fake Nike x Off-White Sail AJ5 shoes have their logo too thick and too curvy.
The same Nike Swoosh logo found on the authentic shoes is thinner and less curvy, as it looks sharper than the fake pair’s logo.
The steps we’ve written so far are the best ways on how to authenticate this item.
The tells listed below this point are still reliable signs of authenticity, but for non-top-versions of replicas available for this item. We recommend sticking to the top tells we’ve explained above this point to make sure you’re not drawing the wrong conclusions.
(By the way, have you seen our Price Comparison App? No need to compare sellers for the best price — we’ve done that for you.)
Step 5: Verify the Jumpman on the tongue of your Air Jordan 5 Off-White Sail
Going to the fifth method on how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail shoes, we are going to move on to the upper side of the real vs fake Off-White AJ5 Sail pairs, and we will have a look at the classic Jumpman logo.
In the image with the real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail above, we have noticed how the fake pair has its Jumpman looking too thin at the fingers on the left arm.
On the other hand, the authentic shoes have their Jumpman looking thicker than the fake pair on the left hand’s fingers.
Moving on to the upper hand, the one with the ball, it is spottable how the fake Jumpman has its arm looking too thin, and how the authentic Jumpman presents its arm looking thicker and bulkier than the one found on the replica piece.
Then, the third and the last flaw that we’ve spotted in the real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail image above is the stitching at the top of the patch.
On the replica Nike x Off-White Sail Air Jordan 5s, you can see how the stitching is too thin and too long, and on the legitimate piece, the stitching is thicker, bulkier and shorter than the one found on the fake pair.
Step 6: Look at the “23” text printed on the side of your OW AJ5 Sail pair
Going to the sixth step of the guide on how to spot fake Nike x Off-White AJ5 Sail shoes, we are going to look at the “23” text printed on the side of the shoes.
Just as always, let’s first brief the reference real vs fake Nike OW Air Jordan 5 Sail image linked right below.
In the image with the real vs fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail shoes above, we have pointed out how the fake Off-White Sail Air Jordan 5 pair has its “23” text looking less visible than the text on the authentic pair.
In fact, the fake pair has its “23” text less opaque than the authentic pairs’ text, while the legitimate Off-White Sail Air Jordan 5s have their text more defined and easier to be read than the one on the fake pair.
Step 7: Verify the zip tie of your Nike Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail
As for the seventh step of the guide on how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail shoes, we are going to brief the zip tie.
First of all, let’s have a look at the reference real vs fake Off-White Jordan 5 Sail image linked below, and after that, we will check out the flaws on the fake zip tie.
In the image with the real vs fake Off-White Jordan 5 Sail pairs above, we have pointed out how the fake pair has three main flaws.
In fact, the fake pair has its “OFF-WHITE” text looking too thick, while the authentic Off-White Jordan 5 Sail pair has its text thinner.
Up next, looking at the “TM” text, the fake pair also has its inscription too thick, but also placed too close to the “OFF-WHITE” text, while on the legit shoes, the text is thinner and placed further away from the “OFF-WHITE” text.
Lastly, looking at the quotation mark (” “) on the fake shoes, you can see in the fake vs real Jordan 5 Off-White Sail how the fake pair has its marks too thick.
Not only that, but the fake pair also has its quotation marks placed too close to the “ZIP TIE” text, while the authentic pair has its marks place further away from that text.
Step 8: Look at the overall shape of your Off-White Jordan 5 Sail pair
Going to the eighth method on how to spot fake Nike Off-White Jordan 5 Sail shoes, we are going to flip the shoes to the profile side again, and we are going to look at the overall shape.
In the image with the real vs fake Off-White Jordan 5 Sail shoes above, we have pointed out how the fake pair has its shape badly bumped at the rear side.
In fact, the fake pair has its heel bump less curvy than the authentic shoes’ bump, where you can see how the legit OW Sail Air Jordan 5s have their shape a lot curvier and more defined than the fake pair’s shape.
The authentic pairs are always supposed to be bumpy, and if you ever see a pair that has its shape less bumpy than the legit one highlighted above, then it might be the case that you’re holding a replica Off-White Jordan 5 Sail pair.
Step 9: Real vs fake Off-White Jordan 5 Fire Red insole
For the ninth step of the guide on how to authenticate Off-White Jordan 5 Fire Red shoes, we are going to move back inside the shoes, and this time, we will have a look at the insole and its printing.
You know it already, and that is that first, we will review the Off-White Jordan 5 Sail fake vs real image below.
The Off-White Jordan 5 Fire Red shoes have their insole with the classic Nike logo, and in most cases, the fake pairs have their logo looking too thick.
In the real vs fake Off-White Jordan 5 Fire Red image above, we have shown you how the fake pair has its “A I R” text looking too thick, and how the authentic pair has its text looking thinner.
Step 10: Off-White Jordan 5 Sail fake vs real “SHOELACES” inscription
Going to the tenth step of the guide on how to spot fake Nike x Off-White Air Jordan 5 Fire Red shoes, we are going to look at the shoelaces for the inscription that states “SHOELACES”.
In the image with the real vs fake Nike Off-White Jordan 5 Sail shoes above, we have pointed out how the fake Fired Red OW AJ5 pair has its “SHOELACES” text looking too thin.
On the other hand, looking at the authentic Off-White Jordan 5 Sail shoes, you can see how their “SHOELACES” text is thicker and more defined.
In fact, the authentic pair has its “SHOELACES” text being more legible than the fake pair’s text, which since it is thinner, it looks worse to the eye rather than the authentic pair’s properly defined text.
Step 11: Check the interior tongue label of your Off-White Jordan 5 Sails
Proceeding into the guide on how to authenticate Off-White Sail Air Jordan 5 shoes, we are now going to look at the fake vs real Off-White Air Jordan 5 pairs for the interior tongue label.
In the image with the real vs fake Off-White Sail Air Jordan 5 pairs above, we have pointed out how the fake pair has its stitching all around the label at the wrong thickness.
To be clear, what we mean is that the fake pair has its stitching all around the red label looking too thick, and that the authentic pair has its stitching thinner.
Step 12: Analyze the 3M shining material on the tongue of your shoes
For the twelfth step of the guide on how to spot fake Nike Off-White Jordan 5 Sail shoes, we are going to look at the 3M material on the tongue of the real vs fake Off-White Jordan 5 Fire Red pairs.
So as to reveal the 3M reflective material on the tongue of your Off-White Jordan 5 Sail pair, you have to take a picture of the shoes with the flashlight on.
In the image with the real vs fake Off-White Jordan 5 Sail shoes above, we have pointed out how the fake pair has its material shining too blurry.
On the other and, if you look at the shining on the authentic shoes’ text, you can see how the shining is more defined, as it is less blurry and actually more shiny than the one found on the fake pair.
Step 13: Inspect the box label of your Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail pair
Going to the thirteenth and the last step of the guide on how to spot fake Off-White Jordan 5 Sail pairs, we are going to now look at the real vs fake OW Air Jordan 5 Sail items for their box label’s inscription.
In the image containing the real vs fake Off-White Jordan 5 Sail box labels above, we have pointed out how the fake pair has its “USA” text looking too thick.
On the other hand, the authentic pair has its text looking thinner than the “USA” inscription found on the fake pair.
How can I spot the fake Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail in 60 seconds?
There are situations where you may be unable to go through each detailed step explained above when you need to authenticate your Off-White Jordan 5 Retro Sail.
That is why we have compiled this quick 60 seconds solution to authenticating your sneakers. Below are the top 13 indicators that can help you determine if you have a fake pair of sneakers or original Off-White x Nike manufactured Air Jordan 5 Sail.
- Check the medial text on both the left and the right shoes of your OW AJ5 Sails. Mostly, the fake pairs have their text looking too thick or too thin when compared to the legit pairs
- Verify the size tag inside the shoes, as most of the fake pairs ave their text at the wrong thickness and kerning between the characters
- Look at the red lines found on the midsole of your shoes. In most cases, the fake pairs have their red lines looking too thin and too little defined
- Examine the details found on the rear side of your shoes. The replica Off-White Sail Air Jordan 5s usually have their text at the wrong thickness, and their Nike Swoosh logo is too curvy
- Check the Jumpman on the tongue of your shoes, as the fake pairs usually have their Jumpman looking too thick and bulky, as well as their stitching all around the tongue is improperly weighted
- Authenticate the “23” text found on the side of your shoes, because most of the fake pairs have their inscription too little opaque
- Inspect the zip tie on your shoes, since most of the fake pairs have their text too thick and improperly positioned
- Look at the overall shape of your Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail shoes. Mostly, the fake Pais have their heel shape less bumpy than the legitimate shoes’ bump on the heel
- Verify the insole of your shoes, as most of the fake pairs have their “AIR” text n the insole looking too thick
- Check the “SHOELACES” text on your shoes. In most cases, the fake Off-White Jordan 5 Sail pairs have heir text either too thin or too thick
- Analyze the interior tongue label of your pair. The replica Off-White AJ5 pairs usually have their stitching all around the red label looking too thick
- Inspect the 3M reflective material on the exterior side of tongue on your Fired Red Off-White Air Jordan 5. Mostly, the counterfeit pairs have their material shining too blurry when compared to the real deal
- Examine the box label of your shoes. The replica box label commonly tend to have their “USA” text looking too thick
Where can I get my Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail authenticated? The OW J5 authentication service
If you need help with the authentication of your Off-White Air Jordan 5 Sail sneakers, we’ve got you covered.
All you have to do is send us good-quality pictures of your OW Air Jordan 5 Retro Sail sneakers and we will get back to you with the results within 24 to 48 hours.
The results will also come with a report on why we believe your sneakers are fake or authentic.
That brings us to the end of our guide on how to spot fake Off-White Air Jordan 5 Retro Sail sneakers. We will continue to update this article as better and newer comparisons are put out.
Need our opinion over your item’s authenticity? It’s a service we provide.
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