Louis Vuitton Multi Pochette Accessories Real Vs Fake Guide

Legit Check By Ch
13 min readAug 2, 2022


Are you trying to learn how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bags, then you are in the right place to do so.

We are here to teach you how to authenticate LV Pochette Multi Accessories bags in just a few simple steps to follow.

At the same time, along with each step of our real vs fake LV Pochette Multi Accessories bag authenticity check guide, we are going to link side-by-side images with the authentic and the fake LV bags.

To put it shortly, the fastest way to spot fake Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bags is to check the label on the interior side of the bag, as the fake LV bags never have their stitching improperly fit into the bag, and their characters are usually fit too deep, being too thick.

Another good spot to check in order to prove the authenticity of an LV Pochette bag is the label found on the exterior label of your LV bag since the replica bags have the same stitching and text flaws as well on their other leather label.

How to spot fake Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bags

Step 1: Real vs fake LV Pochette interior label

As we’ve previously mentioned, we consider the interior label as the most reliable sign of authenticity for the Louis Vuitton Multi Accessories Pochette, and so, this is why we are starting the real vs fake LV Pochette guide with this label.

For now, let’s have a quick look at the reference fake vs real LV Pochette Multi Accessories bag image below, and after that, we will explain the flaws on the replica bag’s label.

In the image with the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Pochette bag image above, we have pointed out two main flaws, visible on every side of the label.

First of all, talking about the stitching all around the rectangle-shaped label, the fake bag has its stitching looking too short and too thick.

On the other hand, speaking of the legit LV Pochette Multi Accessories bag, you can see how it has its stitching looking longer and thinner than the stitching found on the replica bag.

Then, talking about the interior label’s text, we have pointed out in the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Pochette image above how the fake bag has its text fit too deep into the label, therefore having its text too thick.

The interior label of the legit Louis Vuitton Pochette bag has its text squeezed less deep into the label, as it is thinner than the fake bag’s text.

We have pointed this flaw out on the registered trademark “®” symbol and on the “made in France” text since there it may be the easiest to notice it on the fake bag, but overall, the flaw is visible on every character on the fake bag’s label.

With this being said for the interior label of the fake vs real Pochette Multi Accessories LV bags, let’s move on to the next step of the guide.

Step 2: Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories fake vs real exterior label writing

Yet another really good sign of authenticity for the Louis Vuitton bag, we are now going to speak a bit about the exterior leather label as well.

Keep in mind that the tells in this fake vs real LV Pochette bag are ranked accordingly, and so, we recommend that you always brief even these little labels on the LV Pochette bag that you are authenticating.

In the image illustrating the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Pochette bags above, we have pointed out how the replica LV bag has its text improperly font-weighted, once again due to the depth of the letters printed on the leather label.

First of all, looking at the registered trademark “®” symbol, we have pointed out in the fake vs real LV Pochette bag image above how the fake item has its “®” character too thick.

At the same time, the fake bag’s “®” symbol is also placed a little bit too close to the “LOUIS VUITTON” text below, while the same “®” text found on the legit bag is thinner and placed further away from the “LOUIS VUITTON” text below.

Speaking of the “LOUIS VUITTON” text, we have pointed out in the real vs fake LV Pochette bag image above how the fake bag has its brand’s name inscription looking too thick as well.

Once again, the authentic LV Pochette bag has its text looking thinner than the one on the fake bag.

Another flaw visible on the fake bag’s “LOUIS VUITTON” text is that it is improperly spaced between, due to the fact that the letters “O” and “U” in the “LOUIS” text have too little space between.

On the other hand, the letters on the legit bag’s “LOUIS” text have the same amount of space between, unlike the fake bag’s text.

Up next, going to the “VUITTON” text, we have pointed out in the fake vs real LV Pochette bag has its letters also too thick and with too little space between, while the authentic bag has its letters thinner, therefore having less kerning.

Lastly, looking at the “PARIS” text, we have noticed in the real vs fake LV Pochette image above how the fake bag has its first two letters too thick, and the last two letters in the word looking too thin.

Talking about the authentic Louis Vuitton Pochette bag, you can see how all of its words have their words at the same font-weight, and also the kerning between the letters.

Step 3: Inspect the stitching at the top of the exterior label

Proceeding to the third method on how to authenticate Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bags, we will have a look at the real vs fake LV Pochette bags for the stitching at the top of the exterior label.

Before everything, let’s quickly inspect the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Pochette bag image below.

In the image with the real vs fake LV Pochette Multi Accessories bag image above, we have pointed out how the fake bag has its stitching too narrow and too thin.

On the other hand, the authentic Louis Vuitton Pocehtte bag has its stitching on the leather tab looking bigger and thicker than the fake bag’s text.

With this being said for the stitching on the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bag, let’s move on to the next step of the guide.

Step 4: Look at the inscriptions inside the coin purse

Going inside the fake vs real Louis Vuitton coin purse, we will have to inspect the inscription printed on the interior side of the two bags.

Once again, the LV Pochette bag’s coin purse has the classic “LOUIS VUITTON PARIS” text.

Now, let’s have a quick look at the reference fake vs real LV Pochette coin purse image below.

As you can see, in the real vs fake LV Pochette coin purse image above, we have pointed out how the replica coin purse has its text pretty much totally crooked and badly font-weighed.

First of all, talking bout the shape of the characters on the fake bag, you can see how the letters in all of the lines of text are too thin, as they don’t have perfectly curved and perfectly straight shaped sticks to craft the letters.

At the same time, this is an effect caused by the background leather material on the interior label of the bag, but as you can see, the authentic bag is visibly high-quality, since the text isn’t wavily shaped.

With this being said, the authentic Louis Vuitton Pochette coin purse’s interior print has its letters at the right font-weight and shape, since they are looking on point.

On the fake bag, not only the most letters are too thin, but there are present a few letters that are too thick.

In fact, you can look at the letter “O” in the “LOUIS” text, where it is visible how the letter is too thick when compared to the authentic word’s letter.

With this being said for the interior print of the coin purse, let’s move on to the next step of the guide on how to spot fake LV Pochette bags.

The steps we’ve written so far are the best ways on how to authenticate this item.

The tells listed below this point are still reliable signs of authenticity, but for non-top-versions of replicas available for this item. We recommend sticking to the top tells we’ve explained above this point to make sure you’re not drawing the wrong conclusions.

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Step 5: Check the stitching on the coin purse of our bag

Since at the previous step we were talking about the coin purse of the LV Pochette Multi Accessories bag, now let’s also talk about the stitching on the coin purse.

With the help of the reference fake vs real LV coin purse bag image below, we are going to inspect the details below.

In the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bag image above, we have noticed ho the fake bag has its stitching wrongly shaped.

Looking at the legit Louis Vuitton bag’s stitching, you can see how it has all of its stitches attached in a straight pattern, without having a stitch out of place or at a different weight.

In fact, the fake bag has its stitches too small, boxy and thick when compared to the stitches found o the legit bag.

On the other hand, the legitimate Louis Vuitton Pochette bag has its stitches looking longer and thinner than the ones found on the replica bag.

Step 6: Real vs fake Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bag strap

Going to the sixth method on how to authenticate Loui Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bags, we are going to have a look at the real vs fake LV Pochettes for the strap’s text.

As you may be used to already, we will first have a look at the reference fake vs real LV Pochette Multi Accessories bag image below.

In the image with the fake vs real LV Multi Accessories bag above, we have pointed out how the replica bag has its text on the strap looking really thin and also too boxy, as it is too narrow.

On the other hand, the authentic bag has its strap’s “LOUIS VUITTON” text looking thicker and wider than the fake bag’s text.

Step 7: Analyze the engravings on the keychain of your LV Pochette bag

As for the seventh step of the guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bags, we will have a look at the fake vs real LV Pochette bags, we will have a look at the hardware keychains of the bags.

In the image with the fake vs real LV Pochette bags above, we have pointed out how the fake bag’s keychain has its inscriptions looking too thin, as they are fit too little deep into the metal.

As for the legitimate Louis Vuitton bag, you can notice how its inscriptions are thicker since they are fit deeper into the metal.

Step 8: Check the shininess of your the chains on your Pochette LV bag

Moving on to the eighth step of the guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton bags, we are going to have a look at the chains and their shininess.

In the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Multi Accessories bag image above, we have pointed out how the fake bag has its chains looking too shiny.

On the other hand, the authentic LV Multi Accessories bag has its chains less shiny than the fake bag’s chains, since the legit bag’s chains reflect less light than the fake bag’s chains.

Now, let’s have a look at another real vs fake Louis Vuitton Pochette bag image with the chains so as to properly see the differences.

Once again, in the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Pochette bag image above, we have pointed out how the fake bag has its chains looking too shiny, while the legit bag has its chains less shiny than the fake bag’s chains.

Step 9: Examine the coin purse on the bottom side

Proceeding to the ninth method on how to authenticate Louis Vuitton Pochettes, we will have a look at the coin purse from the bottom side.

As you know, we will first have a look at the fake vs real LV Pochette bags for the coin purses’ sides.

In the image with the fake vs real LV Pochette bags above, we have pointed out how the fake bag has its overall shape looking narrower than the authentic bag’s shape.

The authentic Louis Vuitton Pochette coin purse has its shape looking “fatter” and bigger than the fake bag’s shape.

Step 10: Inspect the Pochette Louis Vuitton bag from the bottom side

Moving on to the tenth way on how to quality and authenticity check the Pochette LV bags, we will have to flip the fake vs real Louis Vuitton upside down.

The main flaw with the fake Louis Vuitton Pochette bags on the bottom side is that they often look too narrow.

Indeed, in the fake cereal LV Pocehtte bag image above, the fake bag is folded, for a bit, and the difference between it and the authentic bag is actually in the materials.

In fact, the authentic bag uses quality leather which wouldn’t get into that narrow shape only if the bag would be forced to be folded that much.

With this being said, the fake bags usually have worse materials in order to be crafted, and so, such flaws like the easily folding can occur in most cases of the replica bags.

Step 11: Authenticate the classic pattern on your Louis Vuitton bag

For the eleventh and the last step of the guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Pochette bags, we are going to brief the real vs fake LV Pochette bag image below in order to see the classic LV Monogram pattern.

In the image containing the fake vs real Louis Vuitton Multi Accessories Pochette bag above, we have pointed out at the flowers and at the “LV” classic logo on the fake bag being improperly shaped.

The shaping problem on the replica LV Pochette bag’s pattern is caused by the fact that the flowers and the “LV” classic logo are too thin and small when compared to the authentic pieces’ details, which are thicker and bigger.

How can I spot fake Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bags in 60 seconds?

There are situations where you may be unable to go through each detailed step explained above when you need to authenticate your Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bag.

That is why we have compiled this quick 60 seconds solution to authenticating your Louis Vuitton bag. Below are the top 11 indicators that can help you determine if you have a fake or original manufactured Louis Vuitton Pochette Multi Accessories bag.

  1. Check the label found inside the bag. Mostly, the fake bags have their text and stitching improperly weighted
  2. Verify the label found on the exterior side of your bag. Usually, the replica LV Pochette bags have their text improperly font-weighted, kerned between the letters and positioned
  3. Inspect the stitching at the top of the exterior label of your Louis Vuitton bag. Most of the time, the fake bags have their stitching badly positioned and often looking too thick
  4. Analyze the inscriptions inside the coin purse of your LV Multi Accessories bags have their text looking too thin and badly kerned between the letters
  5. Verify the bag for the stitching on the coin purse, as the fake bags usually have their stitching looking too small, boxy and thick when compared to the real deal
  6. Brief the text on the strap on your LV bag. In most cases, the fake bags have their “LOUIS VUITTON” text looking too thin and narrow
  7. Check the bag for the engravings on the keychain, since most of the replica bags have their text looking too thin on the hardware details
  8. Examine the bag for the shininess of the hardware details, because most of the fake bag shave their hardware areas looking too shiny when compared to the real bags’ hardware details
  9. Verify the coin purse from the side, as the fake bags usually have their overall shape looking narrower than the authentic bags’ shape
  10. Check your bag from the bottom side, since most of the fake bags have their bag creasing and folding easily due to the bad used materials
  11. Have a look at the classic flower and “LV” text logo on your Louis Vuitton bag, because mostly, the fake bags have their elements looking too small and thin when compared to the real items

Where can I get my Louis Vuitton Multi Accessories bag authenticated? The Louis Vuitton authentication service

If you need help with the authentication of your Louis Vuitton Multi Accessories bag, we’ve got you covered.

All you have to do is send us high-quality pictures of your Louis Vuitton Multi Accessories bag and we will get back to you with the results within 24 to 48 hours. The results will also come with a report on why we believe your LV Multi Accessories bag is fake or authentic.

With all of this being said, we’ve reached the end of our guide on how to spot fake Louis Vuitton Multi Accessories bags by just looking at the five main spots. We hope this guide is helpful in your Louis Vuitton bag authenticating.

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